Reaching the Edge of Your Abilities
Through the years of coaching leaders and building the SightShift methodology, I’ve discovered the tools and strategies that anyone can apply in order to reach the edge of their abilities.
In the 3 part video series below, I share some key insights on upgrading your mindset and stepping into your full potential as a leader.
Part 1: Why SightShift Isn’t For Everyone
Are you actually ready to accelerate your leadership with all the tools you need to get to the edge of your abilities?
I want to explain who SightShift is REALLY for (and it might not be for you - which is fine) as well as how you know you’re ready to invest in your leadership development. Click below to watch.

Part 2: How To Be Your Own Person
In my years of research and coaching, I’ve discovered that there are 3 phases we go through in order to become your own person. Watch the video below to learn what they are and how you can become the best you can be (as a leader and as a person).

What I talk about in this video is exactly the approach we take in the SightShift Leadership Academy. And we do it through a variety of courses that target different areas of your life and provide you with specific tools to reach the edge of your abilities in each of those areas.
If you’re not familiar with our courses, here are the 6 currently in the Academy:
- Figure That Shift Out: How to live and lead from your most authentic self
- Figure That Work Out: Managing yourself and others as effectively as possible
- Figure That Mindset Out: Create a resilient mindset and create your reality
- Figure That Leadership Out: Learn the necessary templates and skills for maximizing your leadership
- Figure That Relationship Out: Get and keep any relationship on a healthy path
- Figure That Shift Out Certification: Learn how to take someone through Figure That Shift Out
Part 3: Partnering With Your Deepest Desires
Did you ever have a class in school that taught you how to harness the deepest desires you have and create them into your reality?
Were you ever shown how to access the ‘unknowable’ part of who you are (some call this the unconscious)?
Nope? None of us were...
Watch this video, where I share that this unknowable part of who you are does, and how we can unlock it’s potential.

We dive a LOT deeper into this in our Academy courses. It’s all designed to stretch you to learn the skills (the ones no one has taught you before) that can help you achieve any outcome you desire.
Each and every course is packed with valuable content - we don’t hold back.
We want you to feel like you got so much out of the content that you can’t believe the price you paid.
As you go through the courses, you will:
- Become confident in the most difficult of relationships.
- Get clarity on your mission that transcends your job.
- Process your day to close open loops that create anxiety.
- Use your problems to build momentum in every category of your life.
- Employ practices and strategies to stay focused and motivated.
- Be happy with yourself regardless of circumstances.
- Develop awareness to build great teams for life and work.
- Become a brilliant leader that can discern what each moment needs.
- Invest who you are to grow your most important relationships.
The SightShift Leadership Academy has it all from the tactics to the strategies to the deep principles. You will repeatedly be taken to the edge of your abilities by the training.
This is long form learning that will shape you into being your best.
IMPORTANT: The SightShift Leadership Academy is going through some upgrades. We’ll be adding more courses, starting with two being released soon (Figure That Parenting Out + Figure That Game Out). This means that the investment for the Academy will increase as well.
On Wednesday, October 9th at Midnight EST, the price of the Academy goes up to $347.
But you can get in right now at the low price of $211. And if you do, we’ll also give you FREE access to the next two courses.
That’s a total value of $570 that you’ll be getting for just $211.