Fear #


Fear Of Not Belonging

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Fear Description

If this is your fear, you are constantly looking for a place to call home. It may be the relationship where you can be fully known. Or it could be the professional role that will finally bring you into the tribe. The fear tells you that you can never be at peace until you belong. Going along to get along is a recognizable tendency from this fear. Because of that, it will encourage you to ignore information that might be disruptive or negative. It can also keep you from addressing conflict in a group because you don’t want to end up on the outside.

Leadership Style


You are going through the motions, failing to upgrade your systems or approach. Rather than being honest about reality and adjusting, you believe if you just stay persistent in the routines, something will change. But then nothing changes. The show doesn’t go on. Eventually, tumbleweeds blow through and the circus fades into irrelevance.

Core Value

What you value is an important element for any successful team or organization. However, in limbo moments when you feel stress, pressure, change or uncertainty, your values will become out-of-balance, causing you to build unbalanced teams and create an unbalanced culture.

The core value of those with this fear is Cooperation. Without awareness, in times of stress you will overvalue Getting Along and undervalue Conflict.

You Undervalue


Your Core Value


You Overvalue

Getting Along

Core Doubt

Every leader pursuing an ambitious horizon experiences doubts. You will experience relational doubts ("Do they like me?") and you will experience mission doubts ("Am I doing a good job?"). At the root of it all is a mindset doubt.

If this is your top fear, your core doubt is "I doubt I will fit in". Here are also a few questions that may help you see and understand your doubt better.

Hiding Question

Am I avoiding conflict because I don't want to be left out?

Core Doubt

I doubt I will fit in

Proving Question

Is my effort to get people to agree so I feel like I belong?

Non-Supportive Habits

You may resist asking uncomfortable questions, creating tension and earning the respect of others.

The Limiting Beliefs

Conflict must be avoided at all costs. You need to avoid making waves.

3 Things to Apply

1. Listen and Discuss

There is no depth in relationships without discussing the problems. Healthy tree trunks develop and grow with the problems, not by avoiding them.

2. Notice the Issues and People Being Left Out

Just as a tree bends and adjusts its branches to capture the light it needs, pay attention to those who may feel left out, or the issues not being discussed, so as to foster an environment where everyone can enjoy the warmth of belonging.

3. Harness Differences For Unity

Healthy groups aren’t built on uniformity, but through learning to appreciate different perspectives and values. Allow and encourage constructive differences. It's akin to diverse trees in a forest adapting to different conditions, creating resilience and strength.

3 Things to Avoid

1. Don't Miss Necessary Course Corrections

Peace isn’t the absence of problems. The problems show you what to prune. A domineering posture inhibits your ability to address the problems someone is having. Embrace the natural process of addressing conflicts, ensuring the health and strength of your cooperative tree.

2. Don't Shy Away from Necessary Disputes

Some disputes are necessary for growth. There are no straight lines in nature. The twists and turns of the disputes helps your forest to flourish by removing impediments to collective well-being.

3. Don't Overlook Individual Voices

Oftentimes, the most challenging or conforming voices provide the finishing work to the team’s brilliance. But when overlooked, they tend to either dominate or disengage. Excluding voices who have something to contribute is like restricting sunlight from reaching the different branches or your tree, diminishing its overall vitality and richness.